Petri dish to puppetry

Spheres, spirals, rods, corkscrews… bacteria come in strange and beautiful shapes. Our Bacterial World exhibition (19 October 2018 – 28 May 2019) tells the untold story of life on a microscopic scale, and a recent Museum project brought together a research scientist, a group of school students and an artist to explore the patterns, textures and forms of beautiful bacteria. This science and art collaboration led to the creation of three fabulous bacteria-inspired puppets.

Volunteers and puppets in the museum
The puppets let loose in the Museum. Volunteers Tayo, Chantelle and Humaira (hidden behind the blue puppet!), with Carly from the Museum’s public engagement team.

Our Public Engagement team worked with Iffley Academy, a school for students with special educational needs and disabilities in Oxford. The pupils were from the brilliantly-named ‘Jackson Pollock’ class and they fully embraced the bacteria theme, through museum visits, workshops and classroom activities.

As well as visiting Bacterial World, the students had a workshop with Dr Frances Colles, a microbiology researcher from the University of Oxford, where they learnt about the importance of bacteria in their lives. As well as working with the students to create their own bacteria superheroes, Fran talked about her own work and took part in a Q&A, where the students made the most of quizzing a real, live scientist.

One of the character boards that Georgina created with the students

Next, the students spent two days with artist and puppet-maker Georgina Davy, who gave them the chance to experiment with a variety of textiles and techniques, including Japanese shibori dyeing, fringing, plaiting and knotting. The children even created latex faces to ‘personalise’ the bacteria. The pupils worked with Georgina to gather ideas and create mood boards and ‘characters’ for each puppet. She then used these individual pieces to build three giant, bacteria-inspired puppets.

Georgina Davy in her studio, working on the bacteria puppets

Just like the real bacteria that inspired them, the final puppets all have distinctive appearances and styles of movement. One is tall, green and plodding, another is pink, bobbing and quivering. The long, winding Chinese dragon-style puppet is slinky and searching. An artistic interpretation of bacteria, in motion.

Georgina Davy got a lot out of the collaboration and says:

This project has been the most unusual and marvellous project that a puppet maker could work on. Drawing upon scientific information from museum and academic staff that is enhanced and brought to life by students’ imaginations.

This project is unique in that the physical 3D puppet outcomes come from an almost entirely invisible world. Bacteria operate on an unfathomable microscopic scale. I am still finding it remarkable trying to envision this microscopic galaxy of bacteria taking place around us everyday in riots of colour, shape and movement. We cannot see the surreal bacteria forms that wriggle, bounce and swell around us, but they are there, some even tumbling around in forms like Chinese calligraphy. Their secret world is only unlocked by the microscope.

Once the puppets had been revealed to (and played with by) the students, they were transported to the Museum for the finale of the project – a public performance. On Saturday 11 May, three brilliant volunteers, Humaira, Tayo and Chantelle, showed off the work of Georgina Davy and the Jackson Pollock class to Museum visitors. The puppets twisted, shook and wiggled through the aisles, accompanied by percussion – drums and shakers courtesy of volunteers and visitors joining in with the performance.

If you’d like to see more about the Beautiful Bacteria project, we’ve put together a display in the Museum’s Community Case, where you can see original works by the Iffley Academy students. Until 6 August 2019.

The Beautiful Bacteria project was funded by BBSRC.


Bacteria that changed the world: Leuconostoc

In our Bacterial World exhibition we offer a selection of ten bacteria that have changed the world, some in profound ways. In this series of short fact-file posts we present one of the ten each week. This week’s bacteria are…

– the food-fermenters

Where they live
Vats of bubbling syrup in sugar factories first yielded samples of Leuconostoc. In 1878, a scientist called Philippe van Tieghem found and studied the bacteria, which people use to make fermented food all over the world.

Why they are important
Leuconostoc bacteria play a part in creating traditional dishes in many countries, including sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and sourdough bread.

How they are named
Van Tieghem named Leuconostoc after another bacterium that he thought it resembled. Today, however, new bacteria are named according to rules that are governed by the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes.

How they work
In a pickled food dish like sauerkraut or kimchi, Leuconostoc converts the sugars in vegetables into lactic acid, preserving them and leading to a characteristic sour taste. A similar process takes place in the starter culture for making milk into kefir, and for giving sourdough bread its flavour.

Top image: Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Leuconostoc citreum. Copyright: Science Photo Library

Bacteria that changed the world: Lactobacillus acidophilus

In our Bacterial World exhibition we offer a selection of ten bacteria that have changed the world, some in profound ways. In this series of short fact-file posts we present one of the ten each week. This week’s bacteria are…

Lactobacillus acidophilus
– the gut-guzzlers

Where they live
Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the hundreds of species of bacteria that live in your gut. This particular species is found all through the gut from your mouth to your anus.

Why they are important
In your gut, this species digests lactose in milk, splitting it into the simpler sugars glucose and galactose. People suffering from diseases such as HIV and cancer tend to have abnormal levels of Lactobacillus in their gut – either too many bacteria, or too few.

How they are named
Lacto is Latin for milk and bacillus refers to the rod shape of these bacteria. Acidophilus means ‘acid-loving’ in Latin – this species makes sure that its home remains slightly acidic by releasing its own acid, which helps to keep other bacteria at bay.

How they work
Not only does Lactobacillus acidophilus produce sugar from milk, but it may also produce tryptophan – an essential nutrient that we cannot produce ourselves.

Top image: Coloured transmission electron micrograph of the Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. Copyright: Science Photo Library

Bacteria that changed the world: Wolbachia

In our Bacterial World exhibition we offer a selection of ten bacteria that have changed the world, some in profound ways. In this series of short fact-file posts we present one of the ten each week. This week’s bacteria are…

– the man-killers

Where they live
Up to 60 percent of insect species are infected with the bacterium Wolbachia, as are other species such as nematode worms.

Why they are important
Wolbachia selectively kills off males in many species of insect and alters the sex ratio of the population to its own advantage. However, some species of insect rely on it for protection against other threats.

How they are named
The bacteria take their name from Simeon Burt Wolbach, who along with Marshall Hertig co-discovered Wolbachia in 1924 in a mosquito.

How they work
Infected female insects pass the Wolbachia to their offspring – so the bacteria do everything they can to ensure females survive. Their strategies include killing male larvae, making males infertile, and rendering females able to reproduce without males.

Top image copyright: Joshua Blight (University of Oxford) & Steven Sinkins (University of Glasgow)

Bacteria that changed the world: Escherichia coli

In our Bacterial World exhibition we offer a selection of ten bacteria that have changed the world, some in profound ways. In this series of short fact-file posts we present one of the ten each week. This week’s bacteria are…

Escherichia coli
– the medicine-manufacturers

Where they live
Millions of Escherichia coli live harmlessly in your gut, keeping more dangerous bacteria at bay. A few strains cause food poisoning.

Why they are important
E. coli can act as a protein factory, accepting genes from other species and reproducing them. By combining DNA from more than one source, scientists can manipulate E. coli so that it manufactures human insulin.

How they are named
Escherichia coli’s name reflects its discoverer, Theodor Escherich, and the fact that he found it in the human colon.

How they work
Bacteria often contain plasmids, extra DNA rings that confer particular properties. Researchers can introduce genes into E. coli using plasmids, enabling the bacteria to make all kinds of biotechnology products from foods to medicines.

Top image: Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of two Escherichia coli bacteria. E. coli are Gram-negative bacilli (rod-shaped) bacteria. Long flagellae (thin thread-like structures) are used by the bacteria to move themselves. The spiky filaments on the sides of the bacteria are pili, thin strands of protein used when two bacteria conjugate (transfer DNA). E. coli is a normal inhabitant of the human intestine. However, under certain conditions its numbers may increase, causing infection. Magnification: x17,200 at 10 centimetres high. Copyright: Science Photo Library

Bacteria that changed the world: Rhizobium leguminosarum

In our Bacterial World exhibition we offer a selection of ten bacteria that have changed the world, some in profound ways. In this series of short fact-file posts we present one of the ten each week. This week’s bacteria are…

Rhizobium leguminosarum
– the Crop-Boosters

Where they live
Rhizobia leguminosarum have a special relationship with plants, living inside little nodules on their roots and receiving shelter and food from them.

Why they are important
In return for its comfortable life, the bacteria bring about hugely increased crop yields. They enable the plant to use nitrogen from the air as a fertiliser, a process called nitrogen fixing.

How they are named
The family of bacteria called Rhizobia got its name in 1889 – it means ‘root living’. Leguminosarum indicates that the species lives in leguminous plants such as peas, beans and lentils.

How they work
The two-way relationship between plants and rhizobia is called mutual symbiosis. Scientists boost crop yields even further by selecting the best strains of bacteria to pair up with plants in specific environments.

Top image: Electron micrograph of root nodules with Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria grown by The Rhizosphere Group (University of Oxford)
Copyright: Kim Findlay (John Innes Centre)